Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving Reflections

 As I drive through New Kensignton, PA at 12:30 AM to drop off clothes at the salvation army I am reminded of why paying it forward means so much to me. New Kensignton used to be a beautiful city outside of Pittsburgh up until the last 20 years. Crime, violence, drugs, and poverty have struck the town. What upsets me even more is that when I try to do a Google search for images on the town only nice pictures of its past or the rare nice houses in the town appear. How Ironic? As my friend Brian told me last night "This town is for people fleeing the city trying to start clean again." All the businesses are closed, have for lease or sale signs on them, and many homes are run-down. The town has no homeless shelter and it really inspired me to think about my plans upon graduation. I reflect on Matthew's gospel 19:16-30 . I realize my passion is to help others, give back to the community, and specifically serve the poor. It's our duty to help them not just our governments. However, I know there is hope. In Erie, Pa numerous organizations are starting a movement of education. "Rules of the middle class." I reflect on a time spent at Grace church conversing with Miriam Crossman of Serve Erie. She tells me: "These seminars help those less fortunate understand some of the etiquette of the middle class and strategies to land professional careers. " God Bless all those people taking time to help those in need in the world. This thanksgiving I am thankful for so much: my family, shelter, food, clothing, friends, and especially those paying it forward in random acts of kindness.

Love and God Bless

Random Acts of Kindness Team